My TIIDELab Experience 1.0

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I went from not knowing how the web works to learning how to code. Well, this could be you too if you have been wondering how to break into tech, stick with me as I take you down memory lane of my journey thus far.

Mid-2021 was the year the idea of switching to tech kept ringing in my head. I had come across success stories of people doing well in tech and getting employed almost immediately after learning to code. Then I thought to myself this could be the breakthrough I needed to get hired. It was at this point I came across a software training, prior to that I had read about various areas in tech to get myself acquainted before transitioning fully. Data Science caught my attention first, then I came across the web development aspect of tech which consisted of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript somehow I found myself learning HTML on W3 Schools and I loved every bit of it. And with the mindset that every accomplishment begins with the decision to try, I made up my mind to put my best foot forth to get things right.

Along the line, I wasn't consistent with learning and I needed a well-structured platform to enhance my skills. My sister was an alumnus of the TIIDELab fellowship she kept advising me to give it a shot but knowing how intense the whole training was, I was a bit skeptical about applying but what was more important for me was the knowledge I would acquire after the fellowship, so I applied and got accepted.

Wednesday, the 8th of June 2022 was the day I got inducted as a TIIDELab fellow. This was conducted on zoom and it was a fantastic session. The Founder, Mr. Kadir Salami advised us on what we needed to do to succeed in this field, we also had Mr. P.k give a run-through of the benefits of the fellowship some of which include being a problem-solver, and an active communicator amongst other qualities. WhatsApp Image 2022-07-07 at 6.44.10 AM (1).jpeg WhatsApp Image 2022-07-07 at 6.44.10 AM.jpeg

We usually have what we call CCAT(Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test) every day before other activities of the day. The CCAT is one of my favourite aspects of the fellowship, an activity that enhances brain activity. This keeps you geared up for the rest of the day. We have been grouped into various teams where we get to work on various activities together to help strengthen our skills working as a team. It has been very helpful as it gives me a better understanding of group dynamics.

Another fun activity is the Friday meetup where we are being soft skills. So far we have covered exciting topics on attitude, teamwork, profile building, and problem-solving.

TIIDELab has got to be the best thing for one's career as a software developer, I have gotten positive feedback about all they do. TIIDElab offers not just coding skills but essential soft skills that are needed to succeed as a developer. I have also seen firsthand the impact of the fellowship.

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As stated earlier, before TIIDELab I had started writing codes but wasn't satisfied with my progress and needed to learn in a well-structured way, and yes the whole process has met my expectations, and I have got to learn new things. I have learnt a lot from the fellowship. I have learnt and seen the importance of peer learning, gotten better at communicating my ideas and so much more.

So far so good my first month at TIIDELab has been a roller coaster of an experience, it has been engaging, insightful, and knowledge-packed and I am looking forward to learning more in the next five months.